The expected results include:
- increased populations of 5 breeding and 4 migratory species of coastal birds.
- new breeding populations of 5 species of coastal birds.
- improved conservation status on 520,5 ha of 1330 Atlantic salt meadows and 41 ha of 7230 Alkaline fens.
- learing trees, shrubs and bushes on 154,5 ha.
- establishing grazing on 89,3 ha.
- reducing the number of or eliminating predators by using traps for mink and excluding foxes from project areas.
- conversion of 60,5 ha of arable land into habitats, that over time will develop into natural areas protected under national legislation or even natural habitat types.
- restoring 30 ha of reefs.
- establishing 1,5 ha of eelgrass meadows.
- establishing 12 islands/breeding sites in shallow waters.