These include:
- expanding breeding and foraging sites by purchasing or giving one-off compensation to landowners in order to convert arable land into grasslands and meadows.
- clearing of herbaceous species at breeding sites.
- establishing grazing in breeding and foraging sites.
- reducing predation by excluding the predators from or reducing their number in breeding sites.
- creating new feeding sites by restoring reefs and establishing eelgrass meadows.
- disseminating the project and raising awareness of the values of the Natura 2000 Network.
- counteract disturbances at breeding and wintering sites.
- compensating landowners of privately owned land that will be affected by the project, thus ensuring future protection and management of actions carried out.
Comprehensive monitoring of effects will document habitat improvement for the 14 targeted species as well as for the 10 natural habitat types targeted. The project will develop methods for drone-based monitoring. Furthermore socio-economic aspects and ecosystem function services are subject to comprehensive surveys.